Friday, November 26, 2010

Nasyid Cafe: The History of Contemporary Nasyid in Malaysia.

Part 4.

1- Yes, as I have said it before, The Zikr and Nada Murni were two most important nasheed groups ever to came out from the Malaysian shores as without these two pioneers, the basic template for the later nasheed groups would be of non existence and without these much later nasheed groups, we would never be able to see nasheed in Malaysia as it is today.

2- These much later nasheed groups were young nasheed groups formed by high school and university students. With colorful and vibrant names such as Mirwana, Al Anwar, Nahwan Nur, Suara SMAKL, Suara Hati, All 4 Ummah, Suara Firdaus, Anugerah, Bangsar Boyz and Nada Athirah, just to mention a few, these groups kept the scene breathing with endless stream of alternative Islamic entertainment. Islamic entertainment in Malaysia were very much up, running and kicking at that time.

3- Most of these groups were able to record proper albums either with the help of the earlier mentioned OVA Productions or this one other Al Arqam linked company called Permata Audio Productions or with independent funding like what Mirwana and Bangsar Boyz did. The scene definitely was an active scene.

4- Then disaster struck. Somewhere in 1994, Darul Arqam was officially banned and labeled as a dangerous devious cult by the Malaysian government at that time. All over the country, Darul Arqam's operation was crippled and being shut down. This includes all the companies associated with the sect, which unfortunately among others were OVA Productions and Permata Audio Productions and Nasheed was again left in the void without any support.

To be continued:

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